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ZIP.EntryAddFromMemory method

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Adds a new entry from a memory buffer to the ZIP file session previously opened through the ZIP.Open method or created through the ZIP.Create method.


This method only updates the ZIP session: to update or rewrite the ZIP file the ZIP.Save method would need to be called.


A successful call to this method will fire the ZipOperationStart event followed by a number of ZipOperationPerc events and finally by the ZipOperationDone event.


For further details about methods for ZIP management refer to the ZIP object.

For details about using ZIP management refer to the How to manage ZIP files tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

control.ZIP.EntryAddFromMemory (

strEntryName as String,

pBuffer as variant,

nBufferLength as Long

) as enumErrorCodes



short control.ZIP.EntryAddFromMemory (

LPCTSTR strEntryName,

const VARIANT FAR& pBuffer,

long nBufferLength









String representing the name assigned to the entry when added to the ZIP file. Can be also a relative path.


Memory buffer containing data of the new entry


Length of the memory buffer expressed in bytes



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred, check the LastError property value in order to get the error code

enumErrorCodes.ERR_NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful