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Spectrum.Create method

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Creates the Spectrum object: once created, the Spectrum will stay active until the termination of the container application: being a graphical object, the Spectrum needs to be associated to an existing window that will be used as a surface for the graphic rendering: this window can be changed at a later time through the Spectrum.SetHwnd method.


Once created, by default the Spectrum is still not visible: you must make a call to the Spectrum.Show method in order to display it.


For further details about using the embedded Spectrum refer to the Spectrum object section.

For details about using Visual Feedbacks refer to the How to use embedded Visual Feedbacks section.





[Visual Basic]

control.Spectrum.Create (

hWndTarget as OLE_HANDLE

) as enumErrorCodes



short control.Spectrum.Create (










Handle of the window whose surface will be used in order to render the Spectrum graphics.

If this parameter is set to NULL or 0, no graphical representation will be performed but you will have the opportunity to be notified about spectrum values change through the SpectrumValueChange event, allowing to render your custom spectrum graphics after calling the Spectrum.GetTable method.



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred, check the LastError property value in order to get the error code

enumErrorCodes.ERR_NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful