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CallbackWaveformAnalyzerWaveRangeLeaved delegate

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Callback delegate invoked when the playback position leaves a graphic item of type "wave range" inside the waveform analyzer: this callback can be set through a call to the CallbackWaveformAnalyzerWaveRangeLeavedSet method.


For further details about callback delegates see the How to synchronize the container application through callback delegates tutorial.

For details about the use of the Waveform Analyzer refer to the How to use the Waveform Analyzer section.

For further details about methods of the Waveform Analyzer refer to the WaveformAnalyzer class section.





[Visual Basic]

Public Delegate Sub CallbackWaveformAnalyzerWaveRangeLeaved (

nUniqueID as Int16,

nStartPosInMs as Int32

nEndPosInMs as Int32




public delegate void CallbackWaveformAnalyzerWaveRangeLeaved (

Int16 nUniqueID,

Int32 nStartPosInMs,

Int32 nEndPosInMs




public delegate void CallbackWaveformAnalyzerWaveRangeLeaved (

Int16 nUniqueID,

Int32 nStartPosInMs,

Int32 nEndPosInMs








Unique identifier of the wave range; this unique identifier matches the unique identifier used when the custom line was created through the WaveformAnalyzer.GraphicItemWaveRangeAdd method.


Start position of the horizontal line expressed in milliseconds


End position of the horizontal line expressed in milliseconds