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SoundComposer.ItemAmplitudeSet method

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Modifies the amplitude used to generate a specific item. The current amplitude can be obtained through the SoundComposer.ItemAmplitudeGet method.

This method cannot be used to modify the amplitude of a sliding wave tone: for this purpose you can use the SoundComposer.ItemSlidingWaveToneLimitsSet method.


For further details about sound composing see the the SoundComposerMan class and the How to compose a sound tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function ItemAmplitudeSet (

nUniqueId as Int32,

fAmplitude as Single

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes ItemAmplitudeSet (

Int32 nUniqueId,

float fAmplitude




public: enumErrorCodes ItemAmplitudeSet (

Int32 nUniqueId,

float fAmplitude








The unique identifier of the element previously returned by the call to one of the following methods:

- SoundComposer.ItemDtmfStringAdd for DTMF items.

- SoundComposer.ItemNoiseAdd for noise tone items.

- SoundComposer.ItemSlidingWaveToneAdd for sliding wave tone items.

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileAdd, SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileMemoryAdd, SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileRawAdd, SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileMemoryRawAdd, SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileFromEditorAdd,and SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileFromRecorderAdd for sound file items

- SoundComposer.ItemWaveToneAdd for wave tone items.

- SoundComposer.ItemSpeechFromStringAdd and SoundComposer.ItemSpeechFromFileAdd for text to speech items.


The item's amplitude.

- value 0.0 means that sound volume is muted

- values higher than 0.0 and lower than 1.0 attenuate the sound volume

- value 1.0 sets the sound at full volume

- values higher than 1.0 amplify the sound volume



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful.