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SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileMemoryAdd method

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Adds a sound stored inside a memory buffer to the audio stream previously created through the SoundComposer.SessionInit method. Supported sound file formats are the same mentioned inside the LoadSound method.


In case the sound file should be stored inside a file on disk use the SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileAdd method.

In case the sound file should be in a RAW format use the SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileRawAdd or SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileMemoryRawAdd methods.


For further details about sound composing see the the SoundComposerMan class and the How to compose a sound tutorial.





[Visual Basic]

Public Function ItemSoundFileMemoryAdd (

strFriendlyName as String,

nChannel as Int16,

pBuffer() as Byte,

nBufferLength as Int32,

bDownMixToMono as Boolean,

fAmplitude as Single,

nOffsetMs as Int32,

ByRef nUniqueId as Int32

) as enumErrorCodes



public enumErrorCodes ItemSoundFileMemoryAdd (

string strFriendlyName,

Int16 nChannel,

byte[] pBuffer,

Int32 nBufferLength,

bool bDownMixToMono,

float fAmplitude,

Int32 nOffsetMs,

ref Int32 nUniqueId




public: enumErrorCodes ItemSoundFileMemoryAdd (

string strFriendlyName,

Int16 nChannel,

unsigned char __gc[] pBuffer,

Int32 nBufferLength,

bool bDownMixToMono,

float fAmplitude,

Int32 nOffsetMs,

Int32 __gc  *nUniqueId








Friendly name of the item


Mono channel or stereo channel pair of the audio stream that will reproduce the item.

Due to the fact that the audio stream previously created through the SoundComposer.SessionInit method could be multi-channel, this would be the behaviour when a sound file item is added:


if the sound file has one single channel (Mono), its mapping on the audio stream would be inside the channel identified by the nChannel parameter
if the sound file has two channels (Stereo), its mapping on the audio stream would be in two possible ways:
if the bDownMixToMono parameter is set to "true" the sound file is downmixed to mono and mapped on the audio stream inside the channel identified by the nChannel parameter
if the bDownMixToMono parameter is set to "false" the nChannel parameter, instead of representing the index of a mono channel, represents the index of the stereo channel pair (*) on which the sound file item is mapped.
if the sound file has more than two channels (multi-channel), its mapping on the audio stream would be in two possible ways:
if the bDownMixToMono parameter is set to "true" the sound file is downmixed to mono and mapped on the audio stream inside the channel identified by the nChannel parameter
if the bDownMixToMono parameter is set to "false" the sound file is in any case downmixed to stereo and the nChannel parameter, instead of representing the index of a mono channel, represents the index of the stereo channel pair (*) on which the sound file item is mapped.


(*) If for example the audio stream previously created through the SoundComposer.SessionInit method should have 8 channels (7.1 multi-channel), stereo channels pairs would be mapped as follows:

- stereo channel pair 0 would group mono channels 0 and 1

- stereo channel pair 1 would group mono channels 2 and 3

- stereo channel pair 2 would group mono channels 4 and 5

- stereo channel pair 3 would group mono channels 6 and 7


Input buffer containing the original sound


Length of the input buffer expressed in bytes


Boolean flag specifying if there is the need of a downmix in order to store a stereo sound file into a mono channel of the stream.

Supported values are the following:

Mnemonic Value



Keep stereo channels separated


Downmix stereo channels to mono


Amplitude of the sound.

- value 0.0 means that the sound is muted

- values higher than 0.0 and lower than 1.0 attenuate the sound

- value 1.0 sets the sound at full volume

- values higher than 1.0 amplify the sound


Offset of the sound, expressed in milliseconds, respect to the beginning of the audio stream.


Reference to a value that, on return from the method call, will contain the unique identifier of the newly added element: this unique identifier will be used in order to invoke further methods related to the use of this specific element:


- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileDownmixToMonoGet to obtain the downmix to mono setting of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileDownmixToMonoSet to modify the downmix to mono setting of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileDurationGet to obtain the duration of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileDurationStretch to modify the duration of the item through a tempo change

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileOriginalChannelsGet to obtain the original number of channels of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileLoadRangeGet to obtain the loading range of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileLoadRangeSet to modify the loading range of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileLoopGet to obtain the number of loops of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileLoopSet to modify the number of loops of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileVolumeFadingGet to obtain the fading setting of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileVolumeFadingRemove to remove the fading setting of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileVolumeFadingSet to modify the fading setting of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileVolumeSlidingAdd to add a new volume sliding to the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileVolumeSlidingGet to obtain the settings of a specific volume sliding of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileVolumeSlidingNumGet to obtain the number of volume sliding of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileVolumeSlidingRemove to remove a specific volume sliding of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileVolumeSlidingUniqueIdGet to obtain the unique identifier of a specific volume sliding of the item


- SoundComposer.ItemAmplitudeGet to obtain the amplitude of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemAmplitudeSet to modify the amplitude of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemChannelGet to obtain the channel of of the audio stream that will reproduce the item

- SoundComposer.ItemChannelSet to modify the channel of of the audio stream that will reproduce the item

- SoundComposer.ItemRemove to remove the item from the sound composition

- SoundComposer.ItemDurationGet to obtain the duration, expressed in milliseconds, of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemOffsetGet to obtain the offset, expressed in milliseconds, of the item respect to the beginning of the audio stream

- SoundComposer.ItemOffsetSet to modify the offset, expressed in milliseconds, of the item respect to the beginning of the audio stream

- SoundComposer.ItemTypeGet to obtain the item's type

- SoundComposer.ItemFriendlyNameGet to obtain the friendly name of the item

- SoundComposer.ItemFriendlyNameSet to modify the friendly name of the item


The usage of the SoundComposer.ItemDurationSet method is not supported on sound files because the duration of the item strictly depends upon contents of the sound file itself. You may eventually stretch the duration of the sound file through the SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileDurationStretch method or limit the loading range through the SoundComposer.ItemSoundFileLoadRangeSet method,



Return value






Negative value

An error occurred (see the LastError property for further error details)

enumErrorCodes.NOERROR (0)

The method call was successful.